“Charmagne is an incredibly gifted and deep soul. Since my astrology reading I have had opportunities to reflect on our session, patterns I engage in, and advice she had given me to continue my healing journey in life. She is incredibly intuitive, present, and empathic. She truly made me feel seen and heard.”


“She has a calming presence. Her approach is always heart centered, mindful and detailed.  She is able to weave an explanation that comes from the heavens and earth, into practical and useful information. She is patient, allowing her client to formulate questions. She draws off of her many disciplines which brings a richness to her knowledgeable, thoughtful response. I always leave a session with her in a more peaceful state.” -Deb

“…an outside the box thinker, and an incredibly kind and thoughtful human” -Anna

“Your calm, kind, and measured approach to all the things is so appreciated.” -A